There must be a ray of wisdom amidst clouds of info
CURRICULUM VITAE (September, 2020)
D e n y s Z h a d i a i e v
Printed articles, presentations, abstracts
Researching, teaching or similar employment experience in higher education
Record of supervision of academic work by undergraduates, masters and doctoral students
Evidence of administrative experience
Skills and abilities
Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills
Ability to teach courses for both undergraduates and postgraduates at introductory and advanced levels
Proven record of ability to manage time and work to deadlines
Evidence of teaching excellence (e.g. student evaluation forms)
Personal attributes
Commitment to Equal Opportunities Policy
Evidence of a willingness to play a necessary administrative role in department
Qualifications, experience and knowledge
PhD in Philosophy (history of philosophy), 2013 (Diploma)
(high distinction bachelor and specialist diplomas NARIC (UK) confirmation )
Thesis: Whitehead’s Process Metaphysics: Historico-Philosophical Analysis (author’s abstract [ukr], thesis [ukr]).
30 titles of printed papers (2006-2019), talks, presentations and translations related to Kantian/Post-Kantian Philosophy that address mostly Kant and Whitehead, also – Humboldt (Wilhelm), Heidegger, Adorno, Foucault, Gadamer, Prigogine, Jonas, Naess, Hösle and others. Full list of my articles available on here.
1) Pando in Dnipro (with note from Dr. John B. Cobb Jr.), USA
2) Brown, J.W., Zhadiaiev, D.V. (2022) Agency and Freedom "Philosophy, Economics and Law Review" Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs (in press)
3) Brown, J.W., Zhadiaiev, D.V. (2022) From Drive to Value in "Process Studies" (in press)
4) Zhadiaiev D. The Notion of Balance: Overcoming Alienation from Nature // Variations on Process Metaphysics. European Studies in Process Thought, 2020 pp. 160-176
2) Zhadiaiev D. From the Translator (preface to J.W. Brown’s book The Self Embodying Mind: Process, Brain Dynamics and the Conscious Present), pp. 7-32, 2019/ Браун Дж. В. Самовоплощающийся разум: процесс, динамика мозга и настоящее сознания (перевод: Жадяев Д.В.). - Днипро: Герда, 2019. - 336 с. [твердый переплет, 11 иллюстраций]
ISBN 978-617-7639-23-6 УДК 159.91/Б87
3) Zhadiaiev D. Ideas of Harmony in Whitehead and Hartmann: Comparative Study. [presentation+abstracts]. International Conference. Harmony: Interface of Cosmic, Ethical and Religious Orders. Hosur Road Bangalore 560 029, India., January 09 - 12, 2019 (video).
4) Zhadiaiev D. Aesthetics as a Manifestation of Balance // Orpheus’ Glance. Selected papers on process psychology. The Fontarèches meetings, 2002–2017. - Louvain-la-Neuve: Les Éditions Chromatika. 2018. - pp. 299-308.
5) Zhadiaiev D. The Rôle of Intuition in Kantian and Whiteheadian Aesthetics [presentation+abstracts]. 5th European Summer School in Process Thought: Aesthetics and Process Philosophy, August 6 - 10, 2018, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
6) Zhadiaiev D. The Notion of Balance. Part 2: Overcoming Alienation from Nature [in print].
7) Zhadiaiev D. Digitalization in Education: Creativity or [Kantian] 'Mechanical' Movements? [presentation+abstract] // 4th European Summer School in Process Thought of the European Society for Process Thought, Philosophy Department, University Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria, August 1-6, 2016.
8) Zhadiaiev D. Russian Organicists' Community in 19-20th century: Lessons from the Past? [abstract] // Ecology of Community: Process, Identity, and Transformation. (Philosophies of Ecological Community: History and Metaphysics (Session B) (Moderator: John Becker) (Haddon Conference Room), Claremont School of Theology, USA. October 23-25, 2015.
9) Zhadiaiev D. Back from Quantity to Quality, from Appearance to Reality? in For Our Common Home: Process-Relational Responses to Laudato Si'. John B. Cobb Jr. (author), Ignacio Castuera (Process Century Press (August 25, 2015). - pp. 387-396. ISBN-10: 1940447089 ISBN-13: 978-1940447087.
10) Zhadiaiev D. The Notion of Balance: Overcoming Alienation from Nature [abstract+presentation] // Whitehead and Continental Philosophy. 10th International Whitehead Conference. “Seizing an Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization.” Claremont (USA), June 4-7, 2015.
11) Zhadiaiev D. The Notion of Balance. Part 1: Balance out of Chaosmos // Chromatikon X. Annales de la philosophie en process. Yearbook of Philosophy in Process. Sous la direction de Michel Weber et de Vincent Berne. - Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 2014, p. 209-219.
12) Zhadiaiev D. Overcoming Misplacements: Ethical Values as Regularities out of Processes? [presentation+abstract]. Third European Summer School on "The Metaphysical Foundations of a Non-Dualistic Environmental Ethics". Heinrich-Heine- Universität Düsseldorf Universitätsstraße 1 40225 Düsseldorf Gebäude 23.03 Ebene 0i Raum 27. August 25th to August 29th, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany.
13) Zhadiaiev D. The Notion of Balance: Has It Been Omitted in Contemporary Philosophy and Could It Serve as a Timely Truth? [presentation+abstract] // Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology and Philosophy of Mind. Whitehead Psychology Nexus. France. April 3-5, 2013.
14) Zhadiaiev D. A Commentary on the Chapter 'Process' in Whitehead's Process and Reality [Uk]. Коментар до глави «Процес» по роботі «Процес та реальність» за А.Н. Вайтгедом»// Сучасне буття філософії: Філософія в єдності культурно-історичного процесу. Збірка статей науково-практичної конференції 27-28 листопада 2012 р.–Д.: НГУ, 2013.–С. 120-140.
15) Zhadiaiev D. Good and Beauty: an Aesthetical Argument [draft paper] // The Second European Summer School for Process Philosophy. August 5-10, Katholische Akademie “Die Wolfsburg,” Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, 2012.
16) Zhadiaiev. From the Climate Change to Changing Sceptics: ‘Genus’ Point of View // Proceedings of Eco-Sophia Symposium 2011–8th International Whitehead Conference–Creativity and Harmony:The way of Eco-Sophia for the Future of Civilization, 2011.- P. 341-350.
17) Zhadiaev D. Philosophy of Organism on Insufficiency of Discourse [Uk] // Сучасне буття філософії: матеріали всеукраїнських філос. читань,25 листопада 2011 р. - Д.:НГУ, 2012.-с.116-124.
18) Zhadiaiev D. De Culpa Rationis // ГУМАНІТАРНИЙ ЖУРНАЛ. – 2011. – № 3-4, c. 106-110 (вересень 2011).
19) Zhadiaiev D. Alfred North Whitehead on Criticism [Uk] Жадяєв Д.В. Альфред Норт Вайтгед про критицизм // Критика як філософська настанова. Тези п'ятої міжнародної студентсько-аспірантської конференції "Філософія. Нове покоління". - Київ: НаУКМА, 2010. - с. 25-26.
20) Zhadiaiev D. Actual Entity as Building Block of Reality in Whitehead’s View // Жадяєв Д.В. Актуальна сутність – цеглинка реальності в концепції А.Н. Уайтхеда [Текст] / Денис Жадяєв // Філософія. Культура. Життя: Міжвузівський збірник наукових праць. – Вип. 34. – Дніпропетровськ: ДДФА, 2010. – С. 94-103.
21) Zhadiaiev D. A.N. Whitehead's Theory of Proposition: Between Knowledge and Feeling [Uk] // Жадяєв Д.В. Теорія пропозицій А.Н. Уайтхеда: між знанням та почуттям [Текст] / Денис Жадяєв // Науковий вісник Чернівецького університету: Збірник наукових праць. Вип. 466-467. Філософія. – Чернівці: Чернівецький нац. ун-т. 2009. – С. 103-106.
22) Zhadiaiev D. On Concept of 'Reflection’ in Kant [Ru] //Жадяев Д.В. О понятии рефлексии у И.Канта [Текст] / Денис Жадяєв // Філософія. Культура. Життя: Міжвузівський збірник наукових праць. – Вип. 32. – Дніпропетровськ: ДДФА, 2009. – С. 100-108. [This paper is available in jpg. To see the paper please go to: ].
23) Zhadiaiev D. Whitehead on Methodology // Жадяєв Д. В. Уайтхед А.Н. про методологію [Текст] / Денис Жадяєв // Грані [науково-теоретичний і громадсько-політичний альманах], 2009. №4. – С. 92–95.
24) Zhadiaiev D. Limits of our Knowledge – Whitehead on Limitlessness of our Experience // Жадяєв Д.В. Межі пізнання: А.Н. Уайтхед про необмеженість досвіду [Текст] / Денис Жадяєв // Філософія. Культура. Життя: Міжвузівський збірник наукових праць. – Вип. 33. – Дніпропетровськ: ДДФА, 2009. – С. 78-84.
25) Zhadiaiev D. On Concept of ‘Reflection’ in Immanuel Kant. Diploma work. Manuscript. – Dnipro: DNU, 2008. 80 p.
26) Zhadiaiev D. Philosophy of Education as an Important Field in Contemporary Reflections (W. von Humboldt, T.L.W.Adorno, M.Foucault, H.-G.Gadamer). Bachelor Diploma Work. ДИПЛОМНА РОБОТА рівня бакалавр з філософії «ФІЛОСОФІЯ ОСВІТИ ЯК ВАЖЛИВИЙ НАПРЯМОК СУЧАСНИХ ФІЛОСОФСЬКИХ РОЗДУМІВ». – Дніпро: ДНУ, 2007. – 40 с.
27) Zhadiaiev D. Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre. Yearly essay [Ru]. – Dnipro: DNU, 2006. – 37 p. Жадяєв Д.В. «Науковчення» І.Г. Фіхте. Курсова робота. – Дніпро: ДНУ, 2006. – 37 с.
28) Zhadiaiev D., Brown J.W. The Self-Embodying Mind: Process, Brain Dynamics and the Conscious Present Barrytown/Station Hill Press, Inc.; First edition (January 1, 2010). – 203 p. ISBN-10: 1581770774; ISBN-13: 978-1581770773 Браун Джейсон В. Самовоплощающийся разум: процесс, динамика мозга и настоящее сознания / перевод с англ. Д.В. Жадяев. – Днипро: Герда, 2019. сс. 7-32 – 336 с. ISBN 978-617-7639-23-6
29) Zhadiaiev D. A.N. Whitehead. The Aims of Education [En-Ru, En-Uk translations]. Chapters 1-2. Жадяєв Д.В. Альфред Норт Вайтгед. Цілі освіти. Глави 1-2. Жадяев Д.В. Цели образования. Главы 1-2. – manuscripts, in progress
30) Zhadiaiev D. Weber. M. Shamanism and Protoconsciousness [En-Ru]. М. Вебер. Шаманизм и протосознание // Сучасне світорозуміння: духовні аспекти культури. Матеріали науково-практичної конференції. – Д.: Національний гірничий університет, 2014. – cc. 28-31.
31) Zhadiaiev D.V. Translation of M. Weber's article Process and Individuality [Uk] // Жадяєв Д.В. «Мішель Вебер. "Процес та індивідуальність"» [переклад статті] // Сучасне буття філософії: Філософія в єдності культурно-історичного процесу.Збірка статей науково-практичної конференції 27-28 листопада 2012 р. – Д.: НГУ, 2013.–С.26-41.
32) Zhadiaiev D. Aims of Philosophy [En-Ru translation]. Жадяев Д.В. А.Н. Уайтхед. Цели философии / Денис Жадяев (рубрика «переклад») // Вісник Дніпропетровського національного університету: історія і філософія науки та техніки. Вип. 19, - 2011. – С. 64–67.
Researching, teaching or similar employment experience in higher education
8+ years teaching at university, counseling, administrative experience:
2011-2013 – assistant professor at Dnipro University of Technology (formerly: State HEI “National Mining University”), Department of Philosophy
Subjects taught (seminars, assessment):
religious studies,
business ethics.
2013-to the date – associate professor at Dnipro University of Technology, Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy (web-page: bio)
Subjects taught (seminars, assessment):
philosophy (English, Ukrainian),
business ethics,
ontology and epistemology,
innovative forms and methods of education,
methodology of teaching humanities
cultural studies (English)
Record of supervision of academic work by undergraduates, masters and doctoral students
Supervision of master students:
Olga Boiarchukova, group 011m-17. 011-educational, pedagogical sciences (part-time student). Diploma work title: ICT essentials grounding for teaching staff in humanities at higher educational institutions. Examined 17th of December, 2018. Graduated.
Maria Mezhinska, group 011m-17. 011-educational, pedagogical sciences (part-time student). Diploma work title: Development of methodology of teaching Foreign Language for Professional Activity. Examined on 17th of December, 2018. Graduated.
Evidence of administrative experience
2018-2019: supervising professor of the group 033-18-1 (bachelors, philosophy) at Dnipro University of Technology.
2017-2019: methodical committee member on Dnipro University of Technology rector’s request (order from March, 24, 2015, #3) “On the results of the state’s assessment procedure of applicants for higher education”. Duties:
- departmental exam committee formal accounting analysis, evaluation and reports;
- hardware accounting analyst.
Committee member (evaluation of works for Young Scholars Award, 12th International Whitehead Conference)
Moderator between IPN treasurer and 12 IWC organizers (registration and payment)
Section head (Whitehead and Continental Philosophy), University of Brasilia, August 27-30, 2019.
International Process Network board member
Assessor, European Society for Process Thought
2012-2019: Department’s online presence administrator
- website ( html-coding, support and development (Microsoft Faculty Fellow Certificate)
- social media news and updates support
- online advertising campaigns manager (department of philosophy and pedagogy)
- SEO developer (analytics, ranking, indexing)
Other scholar administrative activity:
- International process network web support (12 IWC)
- conference web-site development (
- web design: a collection for department, university and other organizations (software: photoshop, corel draw pro 7, pinnacle studio 18, ableton 9 lite, movavi video editor 12)
- wikipedia updates (for some prominent scholars)
Skills and abilities
Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills
8+ oral conference/summer schools presentations, in English
Teaching in English since 2014 (philosophy)
Certificates in English:
English C1 (APTIS)
Cambridge English Language Assessment (exceptional listening and speaking: Statement of Results Cambridge Certificate, CEFR. May, 2015)
English for Speakers of Other Languages (University of Cambridge)
Interpreter at department when international delegation arrives to local events.
Other languages:
Spanish (cum laude, 2007),
Ukrainian (advanced, mother tongue),
Russian (advanced),
Polish (A1, 2018),
French (beginner),
Latin (with vocabulary)
Ability to teach courses for both undergraduates and postgraduates at introductory and advanced levels
Full time teaching experience from 2011 to the date that amounts to 1524 hours a year (teaching and learning, subject specialism, administrative activity) for bachelor and master students, both full and part-time. A reference from my current employment can be requested on demand as an evidence. Around 90+ students per 2 months are taught by me at some periods of academic year.
Forms of teaching activity:
- lectures (4 hours a week)
- seminars (8-10 hours a week)
- tests and exams
British Council Certificate (successfully completed 35-hour course Academic Teaching Excellence. English as a Medium of Instruction), 16 December, 2015.
Proven record of ability to manage time and work to deadlines
Silver Medal conferred for Excellence in Teaching at Dnipro University of Technology and for Personal Contribution.
Submitted and accepted reports for 1548+ hours p/a in teaching and learning, subject specialism and administrative work (available on request).
11 Invitation Letters to visit international conferences and summer schools (Poland, Germany, the US, France, Bulgaria, India).
8 certificates in learning and attendance of the events (Microsoft, British Council, Cambridge, in Polish language).
Evidence of teaching excellence (e.g. student evaluation forms)
15 feedbacks from students (translated).
Silver Medal conferred for Excellence in Teaching at Dnipro University of Technology and for Personal Contribution.
Commendation Letter for outstanding efforts in teaching and personal creative contribution to university (2013)
British Council Certificate (successfully completed 35-hour course Academic Teaching Excellence. English as a Medium of Instruction), 16 December, 2015.
Personal attributes
Commitment to Equal Opportunities Policy
I am committed to Equal Opportunity Policy, believe and support principles of equality of opportunity, diversity, and inclusion and do not (and never have been) discriminate students, workers, employees or visitors against age, disability, gender identity, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.
Evidence of a willingness to play a necessary administrative role in department
Happy to learn new things, meet new environment and could be useful in any necessary administrative role in department, e.g.:
- ICT service (web-design, web-development (bitrix,, wordpress), google analytics, SEO)
- communication (communicate confidently and effectively at all levels and use initiative to meet the highest standards)
- new courses (related to social sciences and humanities) development and delivering
- translation and interpretation (Russian, Ukrainian, English) or any other role that match my skills.
You tube video channel
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2252-7263
ResearcherID C-7843-2019
Work address:
Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy
Dnipro University of Technology
Yavornitskogo ave., 19, bld. 1, ch. 116.
Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005